Coming at you is the official Nick Wright review of the Hollywood Undead show!! Though the show is three days over with I still find myself in AWE of the extreme talent of the seven men who graced the stage that night!! So before I get to the main event I feel that it is only right to say a little something about the opening bands. First up was a band by the name of The Sleeping. They were okay if you are into really hardcore screamers!! The next act on stage was a four-piece punk band from New York entiled Mest, and they were very good classic punk much like the sound of New Found Glory. After the two opening band, who would soon be slammed to the back of our minds, Hollywood Undead took the stage!!! Fully masked, the seven men came out all at once, only preseated by the drummer who was the only unmasked man on stage at this point. He opened with a solo and they ripped into there first big hit, Undead!!! So here was the real kicker, and I am sorry if you lose some respect for the masked men by me telling you this, but by the third or forth song all the men were no longer masked!!! I know, I was floored too. But not to worry, the show was still as amazing as ever and lived very highly up the the statement made by the founder, "we ain't like other rap shows": with two live drummers and a guitar that switched hands throughout, they are most definitely not like other rap shows! I would say that if Hollywood Undead ever comes back to a place near you, spend the twenty bucks and go because it is 100% worth it!!
So one thing, do you respect their choice to remove their masks, or should they have kept them on?
Holy cow...I was shocked when you told me they 'de-masked'...
ReplyDeleteI do really respect their decision - well, heck! I totally respect them! They're amazing musicians with a totally different sound and belief than any other group I know, but...but...the masks are just SO COOOOL!
This sounds stupid - but I've never really pictured them without masks and having normal faces...
THat is not stupid i totaly havent either and i guess what shocked me is that they de masked by like the third song!!!!
ReplyDeleteI know, RIGHT?? That seems so early for them to ditch the masks...but either way, I'm still very very jealous that you got to go. :)
ReplyDeleteMmmmm....speaking of concerts...ROCK HARD II is coming up! *yay!*
I know im hella pumped!!!