Yup - school, school, school: It's coming and coming fast. I've started that seemingly-endless quest of supply shopping and collecting the essentials to achieve a smooth transition into the world of education....(again, *sigh*). Here's MSN.com's list of the Top 10 School Supplies needed by students everywhere, (along with your common sense, of course.)
1. Paper Organizer - Gotta remember your sports practice, after-school events, weekend plans, oh yeah - and homework! Sheesh...so much to do.
2. Backpack - Agreed...but handbags and oversize purses work dang well too. Any other alternatives to the classic backpack? (Still, probably not a good idea to pitch your books into the backseat of your car...)
3. Calendar - I LOVE calendar shopping at the first of the year! I collect the cool "365 Picture-a-Day" ones that investigate cool countries. Last year: Italy. This year: The UK.
4. Downtime Treats - That's the phrase they used for "chilling". I just love to kick back, read for fun, do some DIY, and play guitar. What's your "downtime treat"? (Ha..that phrase reminds me of a happy little brownie that's relaxing on the couch...)
5. Labels - Yup, this site wants to make sure your name is on everything from your calculator to your undies upon re-entering high school this year. Just a warning, I guess...
6. Lucky Charm - Mmm...good breakfast AND good luck! I love to wear my rings and lucky bracelet every day. Any other lucky charms and "rabbit's feet" out there?
7. Study Materials - Classic part of school: Sitting at the desk with books, books, books! Anyone know any good study or homework-help sites?
8. Reference Books - I live by my Webster's Collegiate Dictionary...there have definitely been many an exam paper improved by my friend Webster.
9. Watch - Yay! I collect watches. Plus, they're handy! Making my collection appear to be more then just a weird fetish for timepieces that I have trouble reading...
10. Water Bottle - These reuseable things are one of the greatest inventions on the planet! (Not only are we saving the planet, but you can put crazy stickers on em'! Even attempt to sneak in some *gasp! diet soda or some banned flavored seltzer water...both are my weaknesses...)
Getting ready for school is just dawn over the horizon of a new school year: Any predictions as to the school year? What's your favorite class? Least favorite?