Ladies and gents this time around I shine the spotlight on one of the most respected and well established cartoonist of the last few years, no not the guy that makes "The Simpsons" but none other than.......Drumroll please......
Seth MacFarlane!!! Who you ask? well let me tell you this man is the soul creator of one of the infamous cartoons to date. Family Guy is an all out no holds bared cartoon about none other than a weird american family and the shananagains that they get into every day. Born October 26, 1973 he quickly moved on to study animation at the Rhode Island School of Design where he obtained his Bachelor's in Fine Arts. When he left school his desires to work for Walt Disney soon left when he was hired by Cartoon Network. There he worked on such shows as
Johnny Bravo, Dexter's Laboratory and
Cow and Chicken! Shortly after his stint at Cartoon Network he showed The Fox Executives a short he had made called Larry and Steve and they quickly contracted Seth to produce a cartoon series based on the characters, the product was a little show called Family Guy! This move made him the youngest executive producer on television. "I spent mounts in my kitchen no sleep, no life, just drawing" and after this and a 50,000 dollar budget he gave fox the pilot of Family Guy which went over very well. To date Seth has one 4 awards 2 of which are Emmy's for his voice acting (which include quite a selection of subjects in both of his major series Family Guy: Peter, Stewiw, and Glen. And American Dad: Stan, and Roger Smith.) as well as 2 other high honors from the television world. His latest project is The Cleavland Show which is a spin off of one of the Family Guy characters. He openly states his ideas that gay right should be supported and his strong approval of the new President(whom which he donated 10,000 dollars) His new series is set to be seen in early fall and there are many people awaiting its arrival!!
Are you one of these people?
Any other Family Guy fans out there?
Any one feel any offence due to any of the jokes you have seen on Family Guy?