It's official; I'm back! I'm not completely back in the swing of things, but to give everyone a little something to do (only if you're bored, mind you) I have compiled a list of my favorite websites....Enjoy!
- http://www.theawesomer.com/ - This is a site that just posts whatever they find awesome; videos, shirts, gadgets, people, events...anything! Head over there when you're feeling less than awesome.
- http://www.stereogum.com/ - I rave about this website to pretty much everyone I meet. They've always got the latest in underground music news and they're updated daily. Stereogum also has tons of FREE, LEGAL mp3 downloads for the alt-music lover. Fun!
- http://www.notalwaysright.com/ - Hilarious site with anecdotes from work. People can post all their nightmare customer stories here for you to read!
- http://www.crunkroost.com/ - This is the site for Spokane's up-and-coming expository music zine, which you may be lucky enough to find lying around town. However, if you don't live in the area, or just aren't lucky, check out the site to read articles and send comments.
- http://www.collegehumor.com/ - Whenever I need I good laugh, College Humor is a great stop. Funny articles, orginal comedy sketches and some live standup videos are enough to make me smil everytime. Of the CH Originals, my favorite sketches are the Hardly Working and Jake and Amir sketches. Totally genius.
- http://www.jakeandamir.com/ - This is more of an extention of the entry above, but these guys are too funny not to be mentioned twice.
- http://www.pollstar.com/ - Type in the name of your city, and most of the concerts within the next two months pop up on your screen. Of course, this doesn't have ALL of the dates, but it gives you a pretty good idea of what's going on in your town. I was a little depressed when looking at it though; the two best concerts happen when I'm out of town!
- http://www.threadbanger.com/ - Probably one of the best DIY websites on the planet. This site (which was recently updated) features tutorials, spotlights, fan creations, a forum, home decor lessons and so much more. ThreadBanger really promotes the DIY community and is helpful for both beginners and DIYers-for-life. Not sure what DIY is or if you'd like it? Head over to ThreadBanger to find out.
That's the list for me, but now it's your turn!
What are your favorite site and why?
What did you think of the sites above?
How many followers have you recruited since I've been gone? (That's right, I didn't forget!)
Read. Think. Type. Rock.
*runs up and bearhugs Katie* Okay, so this is the part where I kinda sorta admit to kinda having put my online lit class ahead of recruiting the past couple weeks...and then try to figure out what kind of chocolate, caramel, or otherwise sweet goodie to buy to get back in your good books...oh wait, that's marriage, nevermind.
ReplyDeleteOh I can never hold a grudge. I even left a little surprise for you in item 7 of my newest list!