Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Getting the Blog-ball rollin'...again!

Yep - the email notices have been sent out, (and most have been replied - Big thanks, guys!). As you've probably noticed, we've taken a little break from the Vox Blog...

You know what I mean, hit the *Snooze* button on the blogging.

But the school year is here, and the majority of the Voxxie Staff is officially putting on some safari-clothes and preparing to Blog our way through this Internet-jungle! Cheers, mates!

Will we devise a schedule?  Will we change the layout and freshen up? Will we continue to find some weird-crazy-funny-odd-new stuff to blog about? Stay logged on to find out! (Ohh...sounds like a suspense-film..)

All I can say for now: I'm not sure about the first two options, but definitely for the last one! We'll stay here!

What are some new things we could add to the blog? Do we need a lil' facelift? Any requests, questions, or comments?

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