This was truly an 'Aha!' moment! I was simply cruisin' the Internet for some blog fodder when 'BAM!', I see the perfect headline....
"10 Ways to Extend Your Summer". ( has really got my back here...even though I did add a few of my own...)
But we all know that I care even
MORE about what you guys have to say!
What are you doing to make the feeling of those wonderful, amazing, stress-free and let-loose days of summer last?
1. Look on the Bright Side - Ok, this was originally refering to make-up, but I think it's truly a philosophical question. Think positively! That homework CAN be conquered, and WILL be conquered!
2. Bring the Beach back home - I die over the scent of the beach; the salty water mixed with Coppertone is the best! MSN recommends investing in some 'Beach-Scented' candles or even incense sticks.
What's your favorite scent of summer? Popsicles? New notebooks? Both are good to me...
3. Score the perfect Wave - (Again, referring to a girly thing - the perfect wavy hairstyle). But I'd like to think that this could also mean to battle a fear! Do something new! Try something crazy!
What change are YOU going to make this school year?
4. Sip coconut water - Yum...I love new and weird recipes. (Only not as weird as some of the cafeteria food...I'll just get that straight right now...:D) Try Vita Coco 100% pure coconut water. $24 /12 11.2 oz. packages.
5. Extend your tan - Lounging by the pool and getting a great tan are both definitely great memories of summer! (Plus, the sun provides your body with mega Vitamin D!)
6. Find your niche - I now officially love to sew, play the bass, crazy-dance to techno, and eat lime yogurt, ALL by just giving them a spin this summer! Find a new activity that you like and set aside some fall-time to enjoy and de-stress.
What's your new niche?
7. Look towards next year - So many new opportunities! So many things to do! Don't get stressed, just think about what you'll accomplish!
What are your GOALS for this year?
8. Find some new tunes! - I love making that fall season "Back-to-School Playlist"; full of pump-up tunes to wake me up and get me out the door and onto the bus. Finding the perfect song to listen to down your hallways is just about as great as shiny new pencils.
What are your new fall tunes?
9. Have fun! - Yeah, I know that sounds lame...but REALLY! HAVE FUN! The year won't go by any faster by have a great time and enjoy every minute. (Even when you could possibly be eaten by your pile of homework OR by what the cafeteria ladies are stirring in that big mysterious pot...or both.)
10. What's a school-tip that YOU would want to share with everyone! Make #10 your own!